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Tall lizard like people with a tail and protruding mouth and nose.
Scales cover their body.
Some may have access to breath weapon
Small birth rates has made them rare


Belief system revolves around the “Sky Mother” who takes the form of a dragon.
They believe they are descendants of dragons and worship these ancient creatures of legends and folklore.
They have a prophesy that states the “Sky Mother” will return to her children and bring their race back to their rightful role as a dominent race.

Common Words/Phrases

“May the mother of skies bless you and keep you.”
“Well greeted, sky child”


Predominantly located on the left side of Manerna where the land is drier

Control - Ithkrak Home - Ithyrak

manerana/races/ithryan.1716607450.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/05/24 23:24 by aielman